About Us
Our Focus
For the past two decades, industry has focused most of its antiviral efforts on the major chronic viral diseases: HIV, HBV, and HCV.
At Via Nova, we believe that the next frontier of unmet medical need in virology exists among the acute and subacute viral infections. The COVID pandemic provides a striking example of this new frontier. Many other acute infections also involve the respiratory tract, but others target the gut, genitourinary, ocular, or nervous systems.

Even though these infections are of shorter duration, they are highly prevalent in the population, can produce severe illness and frequently complicate other chronic conditions like asthma, COPD, organ transplantation, and cancer.
We believe that the massive recent expansion of point-of-care (and at-home) testing and telemedicine driven by the COVID19 pandemic will transform the diagnostic landscape, allowing early recognition of all the important respiratory viruses – which in turn will drive demand for therapies for each of them.